Thursday, December 9, 2010

BYOM @TasteMakerFlavor

Our last guest, Roman, featured BYOM in his prestigious blog.
We are very grateful for the kind words and we hope you visit his blog, as it has been source of inspiration for many.
To all of our friends doing inspiring stuff, all the best from BYOM and keep us updated with your projects.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Roman - Grooving to music

During his visit to San Francisco, Roman stopped by and left a 12-pack for BYOM.
Roman is the author of TasteMakerFlavor, a great collection of art [from photography to graphic design, from video to pictures, from music to fighting] that he sees around him in LA, in Hawaii, online, or pieces he creates himself, like this one:

We swear it's worth a visit.

Enjoy the grooves:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gavin - Music to ponder by

For the Thanksgiving session of BYOM, we had our friend from the Academy, Gavin aka Duncan.
His passion for music and bicycles is well spread around the advertising students of the AAU, so we couldn't wait to hear his 12-pack of songs. His theme is 'Music to ponder by', and in a cloudy, cold San Francisco, it perfectly suited the occasion.

While setting up the improvised studio, he warmed up with his guitar.


DOWNLOAD Gavin's BYOM for your iPod, iPad, iPhone, iDon'tknow...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Music we've killed.

Inspired by something really common, we've picked a 12 pack of songs that we have killed from exceeded listening. We hope you guys enjoy this really assorted and entertaining episode.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sophia - Music to get arrested to

For our first female guest, we are excited to present Sophia.
Raised in Boca Raton, FL, she is about to graduate from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco.
Sophia is one of those people who seem to be born free, and at BYOM, we believe that this great characteristic of her is what inspired her first theme.
Song by song, we discover some of Sophia's favorite ways to get arrested, and the choice of music for each of the situations is of rare talent.
Thanks for making us laugh and travel though your adventures.
Let’s get arrested and download the session for free.

If you want to listen only to the songs, check out the Playlist.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Power of music.

In B.Y.O.M we strongly believe that in music there is an unmeasurable power and to proof that this video.

Check it out and be a witness of the power of music.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Music we've seen

Back from Mexico and Switzerland, we prepared a session of BYOM with the theme "Live Music".
Check it out!
Vamos a checarlo!

If you prefer to listen only to the songs selected, check out the Playlist version.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Axel - Italian Pizza Delivery Guys

After the summer break, BYOM is back with the first episode of BYOM Europe.

Axel P., from Switzerland, shares 12 beauties from his house backyard in Lugano.
Although inspiring and poetic at first, the episode will slowly degenerate into a talk between two pizza-delivery-like guys who realize they still speak english as when they left Switzerland, years ago.
Thanks Axel for the fun and the great music.
Enjoy it!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Eric Wilson- I am on a boat.

In this episode, Eric Wilson take us thru his musical taste with his 12 pack of music. Good times, Good music... Let's check it out!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Casey - Hawaii

Welcome to BYOM, Bring Your Own Music, a place to share your life through your own music.
For our first episode, Casey will take us for a journey into adventures he lived in the Big Island and in San Francisco through his 12-pack of songs.
Check it out and leave us comments and requests.