Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sophia - Music to get arrested to

For our first female guest, we are excited to present Sophia.
Raised in Boca Raton, FL, she is about to graduate from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco.
Sophia is one of those people who seem to be born free, and at BYOM, we believe that this great characteristic of her is what inspired her first theme.
Song by song, we discover some of Sophia's favorite ways to get arrested, and the choice of music for each of the situations is of rare talent.
Thanks for making us laugh and travel though your adventures.
Let’s get arrested and download the session for free.

If you want to listen only to the songs, check out the Playlist.

1 comment:

  1. Well this Sophie sounds very hot! :)
    No sabĂ­a de la existencia de tu blog Matute, pero me parece una propuesta super interesante. Inviten a mas morras o que?
